Plastic waste containers have been placed in Seaside National Park
Plastic waste containers have been placed in Seaside National Park
On September 3, 2022, plastic waste containers in the form of Caspian seal and fish were placed in the territory of the Seaside National Park, near to the Marine Station.
Implemented with the support of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, containers placed within the framework of the "Zero waste" project aimed to support recycling and provide awareness work in densely populated areas.
Dənizkənarı Milli Parkda Beynəlxalq Gənclər Gününə həsr olunan “ECO-Fest” adlı ekoloji tədbir keçirilib
Requirements for candidates for members of the Public Council at Seaside Boulevard and the procedure for their registration
Dənizkənarı Milli Parkda Beynəlxalq Əlillər Gününə həsr edilmiş inklüziv velosiped yürüşü təşkil olunub