

In order to organize public participation and effective interaction of the Department with the public, elections to the Public Council were held in accordance with the “Regulations on the election of the Public Council by civil society institutions”. By the decision of the Administration of Seaside Boulevard No. 7, the Election Commission, created to organize elections to the Public Council at Seaside Boulevard, established the deadline for nominating registration and the number of candidates for the Public Council (5 people). Those wishing to nominate themselves to the Public Council from 01/06/2021 to 30/06/2021 must submit the following documents to the Election Commission of the Public Council: 1. A copy of the identity card; 2. Biography of the candidate; 3. A copy of the document confirming membership in the Civil Society Institute; 4. A document confirming that the person has experience or knowledge in the relevant field (copy of the work record book, if any). 

In addition to the above documents, the civil society institution can provide other documents containing detailed information about the candidate. Civil society institutions wishing to participate in the voting must, by 30.06.2021, provide the election commission of the Public Council with the necessary information about their representatives (name, surname, patronymic, date of birth, place of residence and means of communication). Email address for submission of documents: info@bulvar.gov.az



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