Employees of the Seaside Boulevard Department joined the army forces of Azerbaijan
Employees of the Seaside Boulevard Department joined the army forces of Azerbaijan
Anar Fakhraddin oglu Khankishiev, Anar Hajali oglu Aliyev, Aykhan Agil oglu Verdiev, Javid Ilham oglu Huseynov, Ekhtiram Adalat oglu Abbasli, Elshad Mubariz oglu Aliyev, Elshad Hagvermati oglu Mulgur Mulgur, Hagvergurmati oglu Mulgur Mulgur, Hagvergurmati oglu, Mulgur Mulgur, Hagvergurmati oglu , Khagvermati oglu Malguram Oktay Aydin oglu Alkhasov, Ramin Mukhubbat oglu Mamedov, Ramin Yashar oglu Gasimov, Sarhan Azim oglu Guliyev, Yagub Ziyafat oglu Gurbanov
We are proud of our brave soldiers who fought for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan!
The first meeting of the Public Council's election commission was held at the Seaside Boulevard Department
Employees of the Seaside Boulevard Administration visited the Alley of Honor and the Alley of Martyrs
Sabantuy holiday was held in Seaside National Park