Safe Nutrition through the Eyes of Children
Safe Nutrition through the Eyes of Children
The awarding ceremony of the drawings contest "Safe Nutrition through the Eyes of Children", held by the Food Safety Agency of Azerbaijan, was held on the territory of Seaside National Park on June 1, the International Children's Day. As part of the award ceremony, the exhibition featured 100 of the best drawings participating in the competition. The ceremony was attended by the Chairman of the Food Safety Agency Goshgar Tahmazli, executives and officials of the Ministry of Education, Administration of Seaside Boulevard and the Azerbaijani representative office of UNICEF.
It should be noted that the Food Safety Agency regularly takes measures to educate the population on food safety issues. Awareness raising among schoolchildren is also of particular importance. The goal is to draw children's attention to food security, to inform them of the importance of this area and to encourage schoolchildren to eat healthy. About 2,000 drawings from Baku and various regions of the republic were received to participate in the specified drawing competition “ Healthy Schoolchild “. . Winners were awarded valuable gifts and certificates. Three participants took the first, five - the second and 10 people - the third place.
Dənizkənarı Milli Parkda Beynəlxalq Əlillər Gününə həsr edilmiş inklüziv velosiped yürüşü təşkil olunub
Bakı bulvarı lalə mövsümünə hazırlaşır
15 İyun Milli Qurtuluş günü və Ümummilli lider Heydər Əliyevin 100 illiyi münasibətilə Dənizkənarı Bulvar İdarəsi aksiya keçirib