
An event on the protection of family values ​​was held with the joint organization of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children's Problems and the Seaside Boulevard Administration.


An event on the protection of family values ​​was held with the joint organization of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children's Problems and the Seaside Boulevard Administration.

On the initiative of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children's Issues and with the support of the Denizkanari Boulevard Administration, an educational event was held for the employees of the Denizkanari Boulevard Administration on the protection of family values. Tahira Garabayli, head of the Legal, Human Resources and Documents Department of the Denizkanarı Bulvar Department, spoke about the necessity of holding such events. At the event, Gulnara Mammadova, head of the Family Affairs Department of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children's Problems, said "Family. "Family values ​​and traditions", and Tural Huseynzade, the chief adviser of the Committee's Legal Assurance Department, delivered a report on "Domestic Violence". 
Films about family values ​​called "Family is a tree" and "The key to happiness" were shown.
At the end, Denizkanarı Boulevard Administration presented gifts to the committee employees.



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