The preparations for Nowruz Holiday have already been started from the start of Tuesday of Water. Due to the beliefs, as God has created the water first, so the very first Tuesday is accepted as Tuesday of Water. In some sources, it is also called as "Eternal Tuesday", "Tuesday of Flower". In this Tuesday the water raises and revives. According to the ancient beliefs, this Tuesday starts from the worship of water. As people have been believing, "fresh water" or in other word, sparkling white water that was taken in the dawn is considered as the remedy of many illnesses. Nowruz Holiday is considered as the beginning of the year, as it calls the spring. Thus, people can wish a dream from the water to have a limpid as water and beautiful year. The first flame in Tuesday of Water is the sign for ice melting and end of the winter. On Tuesday of Water, it is considered as the positive vibe to put the water and flow of water on the table. If the water flows on your table, it is expected to have the successful year in the upcoming year. On Tuesday of Water, it is believed that jumping upon the silently flowed water brings the failure. In addition, in this day, if the water from the copper dish is flowed to the head of a woman who can not have a baby, she can give give a birth. On Tuesday of Water, everybody makes the flame in their yard and have the holiday mood, which signs the beginning of holiday. On this day, it is believed that throwing water to each other brings the luck.
It will be celebrated Tuesday of Flame on March 3, Tuesday of Wind on March 10, Tuesday of Land or Ending Tuesday on March 17 in Azerbaijan. Additionally, this year, spring will begin on March 20, at 07:49:36 a.m in Baku time zone in Azerbaijan. On that day, Sun crosses the blue equator by moving in its own orbit. It means that, Sun moves the South Hemisphere to the North Hemisphere. That point is called as the point for the spring equality and while Sun in on that point, the lengths of morning and night become equal. So, with this action, the season of summer comes to the North Hemisphere. It is necessary to emphasize that this year Nowruz Holiday will be on March 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24. This year, as March 21 and 22 are on the weekends, according to Labor Code, March 25 and 26 will be non-working days. So, this year on March 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 there will be any working day.
Bakı Marafonu 2024 Dövlət Bayraq Meydanından start götürdü