

Opening the event, the rector of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, professor Jeyran Mahmudova spoke about the purpose of the charity exhibition, noting that the university students participated in the open-air practice organized jointly with the Seaside Boulevard Administration and reflected in their works the beautiful landscapes of the boulevard. It was also noted that the sales exhibition was organized for charitable purposes. Thus, the proceeds will be transferred to the account of the YAŞAT fund.

Speaking at the event, Deputy Chairman of the Seaside Boulevard Administration Aghajan Akhmedov on behalf of the organization thanked the leadership of the Academy, teachers and students of the Faculty of Arts for such attention to the anniversary of Baku Boulevard. The project coordinator, Doctor of Philosophy, Director of the State Flag Museum Kenyul Imamverdiyeva also noted the importance of the exhibition and wished such projects to continue. After that, students, whose works were presented at the exhibition, were awarded with diplomas of the rector of the Academy, and their teachers - "Letters of thanks". At the same time, a letter of gratitude was awarded to the management of the Seaside Boulevard Administration for the support provided to the project. Note that the proceeds from the charity exhibition will be transferred to the account of the “YAŞAT” foundation.



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