Dənizkənarı Milli Parkda ağacəkmə tədbiri keçilirilib
On March 3, the first meeting of the Public Council for the year 2022 was held at the Seaside Boulevard Administration
The Public Council created a HOT LINE
Dənizkənarı Milli Parkda Beynəlxalq Əlillər Gününə həsr edilmiş inklüziv velosiped yürüşü təşkil olunub
Employees of the Seaside Boulevard Administration visited the Alley of Honor and the Alley of Martyrs
An event entitled "Azerbaijan wins a clear victory" was held in the Seaside National Park
A meeting of the Public Council was held at the Seaside Boulevard Administration
Zəfər fair dedicated to the great victory continues on the Seaside National Park
A lecture entitled "Flag of Azerbaijan" was held at the "Young Talents" Lyceum
The training “Fight against corruption and the rules of ethical behavior” was conducted.
Lecture on the topic "Flag of Azerbaijan" was held at the Technical and Humanitarian Lyceum
Yeni Azərbaycan Partiyasına qəbul olan şəxslərin vəsiqələri təqdim olunub