
Extensive disinfection was carried out in the Seaside National Park


Extensive disinfection was carried out in the Seaside National Park

Disinfection measures regularly carried out in the territory of the Seaside National Park are carried out within the execution of the relevant decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The purpose of disinfection is to protect the health of citizens, to create a safe and healthy environment for them, to increase the effectiveness of appropriate preventive measures in this area.

Thus, starting from the morning of August 14, 2021, the entire Boulevard area was washed with special solutions using large and small-scale equipment. All administrative buildings located in the boulevard area, underground passages, canteens, catering facilities, cruise ships, warehouses and offices, seats, railings, light poles, etc. disinfected with special drug solutions.

The Seaside Boulevard Department disinfects 215 hectares of land every week and monitors the sanitary and hygienic situation. 300 employees are involved in this work, 5 Hako type machines and 4 10 ton water trucks are used.

As part of measures to combat the coronavirus pandemic, educational posters and signs were placed in the National Park.

In addition to disinfection work related to the coronavirus, awareness-raising activities are also carried out among the employees of the structural units of the Seaside Boulevard Department.

Disinfection will continue on a regular basis to prevent the spread of the COVID 19 pandemic.



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